Happy Monday and Happy (almost) New Year! We had a wonderful, and laid back Christmas this year. We usually go to Wisconsin to be with Mike’s family every other year, so this was our year to stay put in sunny, warm Florida.
Since my mom’s house is only about 30 minutes from the shore, we took full advantage of the gorgeous weather to spend Christmas-eve in the sand rather than the snow. I grew up going to St. Augustine/Crescent Beach and love seeing E run around the same places.
I get asked all the time, “What are you getting Everett for Christmas?”. And all the time I just keep thinking, “What in the world do you get for a little miniature crazy person who likes one thing one minute and then something totally different the next?”
Howdy y’all. I hope this past weekend found you all having a great time with some of your best friends. I know mine did and it was spectacular. We laughed, ate, drank and laughed some more. We were all so happy to have Kate visiting from Colorado and wanted to soak up every minute with her!
Friday night we found ourselves drinking some ‘ritas at Colibri Mexican Cuisine in Baldwin Park. The food was delish and the service was much better than my first experience there. We had a blast. Thanks to Tuller for manning our photo shoot (below).
It’s no secret that I love Instagram. Heck, I even have an Instagram account for my first grade class – the parents seem to love the updates as much as I love sharing them. So, in the spirit of sharing, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite Instagram feeds as of late. Enjoy!
Target Does It Again- Shopping duo Jen Coleman and Laura Wiertzema share their trendy Target finds. If you love Target as much as I do, this follow is a must.
Hiiiiiiii out there! Sorry I have been a little MIA lately – not only is life crazy with an almost 2 year old…but it’s the holiday season! I’m back, hopefully without any more big lulls; especially since I recently figured out a more efficient way to upload and store pictures – time saving shortcuts are a must these days.