Hi all! I hope you had a spectacular weekend. We did and were soooo busy every.single.second of it! Here’s our recap:
Friday night, our friends Brett and Lora came in from Wisconsin. We were so excited they were here to visit and couldn’t wait to catch up. They were married this past September and haven’t seen much of them since (partially because we live 1,300 miles apart!).
We had big plans to hit the beach on Saturday…that is until mother nature smashed that idea with cloudy, rainy weather. Soooo, we headed to Publix and picked up some snackies, E got his first free cookie while we were there, and then we headed to Wekiva Springs for some polar plunging.

Luckily since the weather was less than stellar, we were some of the only people there. The rain held off and the boys, big and little, enjoyed some cooooold spring water. It was so cold in fact that Brett’s new wedding ring slipped right off his finger and into the depths of the spring. Yowza.

After a quick change we decided to spend the rest of the day exploring Gatorland. This is always one of my favorite places (I take my first graders there every year) and E loved it, too.

I think he was as interested in the gators just about as much as they were in him!

Thank goodness for graham crackers for keeping little ones seated for more than 2 seconds!
Everett has also recently started “talking” and saying a few words. His new favorites are hi and bye bye with this sweet southern voice. It’s so cute (when he’s not screaming it)!

Luckily the rain started to come down juuuuust as we were leaving and we ended up having a great time. Whew!

Saturday night we put the little guy to bed, stayed in, grilled steaks and drank a few adult beverages…it was awesome.
When Sunday morning rolled around it was go-time. I helped host a lingerie brunch for my friend Lynn who is getting married in about 2 weeks in Anna Maria Island (yay!). It was held at our friend Jenny’s house and I was there early helping with food and set up. Lora and I made this adorable undie garland the night before and Jenny has the perfect mantel for the unmentionable display! So fun!

The food was delish and super easy. Our menu was:
- Mimosas
- Cinnamon Raisin French Toast Sticks
- Greek Yogurt with Grocery Lane Granola
- Strawberry Salad w/ Garlic Herb Dressing
- Bacon
- Lingerie Sugar Cookies

It was a small gathering, but such a fun, girly morning. We loved relaxing, catching up and talking about the upcoming wedding festivities!
***Disclaimer – I guess we were having too much fun because I totally forgot to get any good pics of the bride!!! Sorry Lynn!

After lunch it was dessert decorating time! I (of course) found this idea off of Pinterest, and it was a hit. I made yummy sugar cookies (using this recipe) and royal icing (recipe here) to decorate heart cookies into lingerie. Everybody was given a “top” and a “bottom” and they got busy (no pun intended).

The results were so adorable and tasty as well!

While I was busy showering Lynn with gifts, the other part of my crew was at the Daytona International Speedway taking the Daytona 500 Experience tour. I was bummed that I missed it, but Mike did a great job documenting the whole morning.

I met up with them after the shower in New Smyrna Beach…only after hanging out with Sir Gus the Camel on I-4. I literally almost ran off the road laughing so hard.

We met up at Café Heavenly in New Smyrna and were pleasantly surprised at this local, award winning café. We were greeted with samples of their famous lobster bisque, corn and crab chowder and sangria. We were sold.

Mike and I split a bowl of the corn and crab chowder and a Cuban sandwich and couldn’t have been happier. It was all delicious and I highly recommend this local spot!
After filling up on food it was lots of beach time. The weather was literally perfect and it was so nice to relax (well, as much as you can while chasing a 15 month old).

Everett actually liked the water this time and thought the waves were pretty cool (all of the previous times he was scared out of his mind by the waves). It was a win-win.

Monday morning was greeted with a 15 month well check for the little guy (he’s doing great!) and a trip to Leu Gardens for the Wisconsinites before the headed home Monday afternoon (all while I was at work…boo).
Needless to say we are quite exhausted, but thankful to have such great friends and busy weekends.

15 months - 27.6 pounds, 32 inches
The doctor might have agreed with us that he is a “bruiser”. Big kid.
This week is more of the same with some funsies planned this weekend for Mother’s Day (and possibly more blueberry picking!)Here’s to a great week of food and festivities-
M: Taco Salad
T: Pulled Pork (leftovers) Pizza w/ Sliced Apples
W: BBQ Grilled Chicken Sandwiches w/ Corn on the Cob
Th: Mexican Pasta (leftovers)
F: French Dip Paninis w/ Roasted Carrots
Sa: Mother’s Day BBQ at JD2!
Su: Breakfast Burgers w/ Sweet Potato Fries