Hi all! Here is what we have been up to for the past couple of weeks…
Our Wisconsin family was visiting a couple of weeks ago and we had so much fun. They were here for an entire week and were on the go the whole time. Mike and I had to work, but we joined in the fun when we could. It was so nice having them near by!
Legoland was one of our destinations and we had a great time (thanks Jessica!). The ages of the kiddos ranged from 1 1/2 – 13 yrs and there seemed to be something for all of them. The Lego creations were amazing and the engineering was so interesting.

When we weren’t on the go with the fam, we were taking advantage of their awesome vacation condo/pool. E had a great time hanging out with his aunts, uncles, cousins and Grandma Pam and even tagged along on a beach trip mid week. Lucky little dude.

Miracle Miles 15K:
Mike and I completed in the Miracle Miles 15K at the end of the week with the fam. E stayed with them as we ran in the rain the entire time. Luckily it was a drizzle the whole time we were racing, no downpours, but we were totally soaked by the time we finished. It was a wet one, but a fun one!

Oktoberfest – Girls Night Out!
Last weekend my friends Lynn, Jenny and I apparently thought we were 21 again. The guys opted to watch the littles while we headed downtown Orlando to partake in some German beer drinking festivities. It wasn’t quiiiite like the real thing, but it was a great time with great ladies. The next morning however was not.that.fun. Ouch.

Jill’s Sprinkle - Tutu or Tie?
We also had the opportunity to celebrate our friend Jill and her upcoming addition of a new baby to the family! Her sprinkle (not a full fledged shower) was held at Cocina 214 in Winter Park and was delish. We can’t wait to meet the new little one…November will be here before we know it!

Everyday Shenanigans -
Other than that, everything is “normal” around here…well as normal as it can be with this little man. Happy 20 months today!

We have still been eating very well – here was our menu this past week…hopefully more to come soon!
M: (Turkey) Keilbasa Hash
T: Pasta e Fagiole
W: Balsamic Grilled Chicken over Salad
Th: Leftovers
F: Pasta con Broccoli
Sa: Grilled Pork Chops w/ Roasted Green Beans
Su: Southwestern Baked Potatoes
Happy Weekend!