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  1. Lane this is AWESOME. We have made this a favorite so we can pull up your recipes throughout the week. :)

  2. Napa Salad good, Napa Valley great
    You Aunt and Uncle just can't wait
    To eat your salad and drink our wine
    Let's go to Napa and have a good time

  3. Hi Lane! I am enjoying your blog so keep up the good work :) I wanted to share a recipe for homemade Bisquick with you from another blog I follow ( Its definitely tastier, healthier and cheaper.

    Homemade Baking Mix
    adapted from allrecipes

    5 cups flour (I use half wheat and half white flour)
    1/4 cup baking powder
    2 Tbsp. sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    1 cup butter or margarine
    Mix together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly.
    Store in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks or in the freezer for longer storage.
    Makes approx: 6 cups

  4. HI, Lane!
    You look beautiful! Thanks for a great blog. Someday let's see a picture of you and Jill....
    Pat (Ryan's mom :))> Enjoy your blog daily!
