
February 3, 2020

Weekend Update

No Super Bowl, no problem!  

It is no secret that we are a sports loving family, but when the Packers didn't make the big game and we found $10 ski tickets - it was a no brainer to pass on watching football and head north!

Ninety five percent of the time I am a very structured, routine oriented person/mom.  School night bedtimes are usually a non-negotiable and we rarely veer away from that norm.  Unless there in an opportunity that we can't pass up.  That was last night...and it was

In looking around at different ski resorts in the area (1.5-2 hours north) we stumbled upon a deal at Appalachian (App-a-LATCH-an, as I was told) Ski Resort in Blowing Rock, NC.  On the first Sunday of the month they offer a $10 ski special and an extra hour free if you buy online before you arrive.

This definitely peaked our interest so we started researching.  The resort is only and hour and a half drive north from our house and the weather looked favorable - 45 degrees and windy.  It's always better if the kids aren't freezing their first couple of times skiing.  They can focus on the actual skiing instead of how cold they are.

We were originally going to just purchase tickets for Mike and Everett to ski and then Hilty and I were just going to watch.  Well, when we told her that she was quite upset and kept saying, "No!  I want to ski, too!  Pleeeeaaassseeee!"

After seeing how much she wanted to be included, we decided that this would be the perfect opportunity for her to try it out.  With tickets and rentals at such a reduced rate, even if she hated it, we wouldn't be out a big chunk of change.  So we bit the bullet and signed her up as well.

Even after prepping her with all of the things that she might not like (walking in ski boots, falling, trying to get up after falling, walking in skis, etc) she was so excited and could not wait to try it.

She put on her skis for the first time and just started walking/sliding and headed for the small ski lift like a champ.  There was no fear and she was surprisingly very balanced and stable  from the beginning.  I was amazed and quickly realized that we made the right choice by including her.

After a few runs down the bunny hill (greens), we bought a harness and headed up to the blues.  I must say, it was SO COOL to all go up on the lift together and ski as a family.  I can't wait for more days/nights like this.

 Everett continued to improve on his skiing (only his 3rd time) and is getting better and better at turning and stopping and being in control (when he needs to be).  Hilty loved the big runs and is learning very quickly how to stay balanced and move her skis together - it was so cool to watch.

We only took one break to go to the bathroom and skied for 3.5 hours straight and both kids were so upset that we had to stop.  We finished up with Everett and Mike doing a few "big runs" and H and I did the greens a few more times.  Her last run was her best and went down the whole way, unassisted without falling.  She was so proud and is already asking to go again.

We are all walking zombies today, but very happy walking zombies.  We had a blast.  

And, as always, there is no rest for the weary...because tomorrow is Everett's 7th birthday!  Since we usually like to give "experiences" instead of gifts for special occasions, we are headed to see the Charlotte Hornets play the Orlando Magic tonight in Charlotte with a hot dog dinner by request for the birthday boy.

If you need us the rest of the week, we will be curled up on a couch somewhere trying to recover from all of this fun!

M (Hornets Game):  JJs Red Hots - Uptown Charlotte
T (E basketball):  HBD Everett!  Porcupine Meatballs and Broccoli
W: Air Fryer Chicken Parmesan w/ Green Beans
Th:  Hot Dogs, Carrot Sticks and Chips
F:  Steak Fajitas, Grilled Veggies and Yellow Rice
Sa:  Date Night - YMCA Parents' Night Out!
Su: Jenna's Birthday Party

1 comment:

  1. If you ever want to take the kids skiing in the Colorado mountains I would totally recommend Steamboat colorado! We stay here: such an incredible place for the WHOLE family! I would probably recommend that the kids do ski school though so you and the husband can ski the mountain! :)
