
April 29, 2014

Menu Tuesday


Weekend update:

TGIF!!!  Friday afternoon was spent swinging, playing and helping dad in the yard.




Saturday we were all up bright and early for the Lake Minneola 12K.  My mom came along to watch E while we ran and we ended up running the gorgeous route (literally around Lake Minneola) in my fastest time.  Now, before you get excited, I will add a disclaimer that I.AM.NOT.FAST. 

But…my time, for me, was my fastest yet; especially for a distance of 7.4 miles.  I was pretty stoked and glad that Mike kept pacing me to go above and beyond what I had planned to do (even though I hated it while it was happening!).






The sunrise was gorgeous and the lake was beautiful.



We loved having a cheering section at the end as well, even though they weren’t actually at the finish line.  Oh, Gransie.



Check it out – I finished 34 overall…that’s huge for me!  And my friend Kaia (whom we didn’t even know was running finished 6 overall – soooo cool!)


After finishing the race and getting rejuvenated with water, fruit and coffee, we headed for more blueberry picking!  We met my friend Kamrin along with her kiddos and parents at Lake Catherine Blueberries in Groveland.  Our original plan was to head back to Southern Hill Farms, but the location for our meet up made more sense to go to Lake Catherine

It was super packed and they were hosting a festival, but the blueberries were delicious and the live music was great!  We totally enjoyed our experience and recommend both places for a yummy experience!




The kids couldn’t get enough!!!




We ended up picking 7 pounds of blueberries and loved listening to some good old folk music.  Their rendition of Rocky Top had everybody tapping their toes.




After getting our fill of berries we headed back to Howey-in-the-Hills for the rest of the afternoon.  Kamrin’s parents still live the in the small town and invited us over for lunch and an afternoon swim. 

We picked up lunch from the Howey Market and I have to tell you…it is ADORABLE.  I would shop there everyday if I lived close by – soooo cute and quaint.  The food was delish (we all ordered some of their specialty sandwiches) and they even had cheese curds!!!





The rest of our afternoon was spent relaxing with this spectacular view of Little Lake Harris, swimming and playing in the sandbox.  The three little ones were pooped after all of the days’ events!



Even though the water was cold, Everett actually loved it and couldn’t get enough.  I think he has some of his daddy’s polar blood in him for sure.  This Florida girl would have been freezing in there!




We finished our day with a delightful dinner with my friend Noelle and loved catching up.  We feasted on Pasta Fagiole al fresco and enjoyed every minute of our patio dining.




Sunday was spent planting new plants (thanks, mom!), playing outside, bike riding and park playing. 







We were ALL so exhausted and couldn’t wait to eat (outside again) and get some sleep…it was definitely a packed weekend!!!




This week is back to work for me (ugh), but I am looking forward to only 5 more weeks until summer break (yippeeeee!).  We are also excited to welcome our Wisconsin friends, Brett and Lora, to town this weekend for a visit.  They will be staying with us and we have another weekend packed full of funsies, as well as a Lingerie Shower for my friend Lynn!  This kicks off many fun wedding shindigs for the bride to be and we couldn’t be more excited!!!


Here’s to a great week of eating!

M:  Black Bean Pizza

T:  Creamy Veggie and Wild Rice Soup

W:  Napa Salad w/ Grilled Chicken

Th:  Chicken Pesto Paninis w/ Sweet Potato Fries

F:  Pulled Pork Sandwiches w/ Chopped Salad

Sa:  Dinner out!

Su:  Steak w/ Grilled Veggies and Homemade Steak Fries

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