
January 11, 2013

Nursery Update–Organization


Hi all and HAPPY FRIDAY! As our nursery comes close to completion I wanted to share with you some of our organization systems that I have devised after reading some other online testimonials from new moms.  I have no idea if this will work but I figured I would try to be a little bit ahead of the curve when starting out.

I’m sure there will be some rearranging after my upcoming showers (tonight and tomorrow!) but this post will give you the gist Smile.






Top drawers:  personal items (nursing pads, ointments, diaper cream, lotions, etc) and burp cloths/bibs.

IMG_9815 IMG_9816


Middle Drawer:  0-3 month clothing



Bottom drawer:  3-6 month clothing



Hint: Why take time folding things that don’t need to be?  Just like my underwear drawer (sorry, TMI) and workout gear, these PJs are just thrown in to an organizing basket (see below) – no need to be nice and neat…a sleepy baby won’t care!




SKUBB Box, set of 6 IKEA Keeps socks, belts, jewelry etc. organized in your chest of drawers or wardrobe.

Skubb @ Ikea

I found my drawer organizers from Ikea – $7.99..can’t beat that!






We added a second shelf to the closet for more storage and I purchased 2 large and 2 medium sized mesh baskets from HomeGoods and 2 plastic bins from Target for miscellaneous items.

The mesh baskets are housed on the second shelf and contain the following items:



As Baby A grows into larger sizes, I will phase the smaller clothes out and the bigger clothes into the dresser as needed and then fill the mesh basket with the next size up.

Oh, and don’t worry, there is plenty of Gator stuff in the Team Apparel basket!!!

We also have a spot in our hall closet dedicated for diapers and wipes along with one of the lime green baskets in the top of the closet.




As far as the hanging clothes go, I saw samples of these cute hanging organizers on Etsy and decided to make my own.  They are a little rough around the edges if you look closely, but for $1, I’ll take it!

I printed out a template of all the dividers that I found online on regular printer paper (could use cardstock also), found a set of cardboard coasters from the Target Dollar Bin, traced the hole placement and cut out with scissors, asked Mike to spray paint the coasters gray and then using spray adhesive attached the labels to the coasters.  Voila – simple and cheap – my kind of project!





Don’t forget to use ALL of your closet space!  We hung hooks on the inside of the closet for easy access to miscellaneous items.  We have two Baby Bjorn carriers that are hanging nicely and out of the way!






Other fun updates:



New crib sheet!  Sweet stars – love!




A calendar for all of the firsts that happen!  I will of course have a baby book, but as all new (and old) moms will tell you, they started it but then life happened and it’s half filled in.  When a co-worker gave me this Maurice Sendak calendar (one of my favorite authors) I knew it would be perfect in the nursery for quickly jotting down things like first smile, rolling over, etc. 

That way when I finally get around to filling out Baby A’s actual baby book (probably when he’s 15), I’ll have the right dates!






Homemade abacus.  Mike made this from scratch using one of my $1 thrift store frames.  We figure it will be good for keeping track of dirty diapers in the beginning!


Only a couple more projects (and weeks) to go!  Have a great weekend!

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