
February 23, 2015

Menu Monday

Well, another weekend is in the books, and another week is upon us.  I can officially say that my countdown to Spring Break is on - 5 weeks and counting!  Until then, we will continue loving this gorgeous weather and all that the outside has to offer until it gets too, too hot.
This past Saturday we were super busy  Mike was busy helping facilitate and put on the 15th Annual Orlando Wetlands Festival at Fort Christmas Historical Park.  He was up and at ‘em before the sun was up and then E and I went to visit and check out the shenanigans later on.  The festival was packed, as usual, and the vendors were great as well.
Everett got to touch an alligator and a rat snake (yuck), got to see a bald eagle up close and of course play on the playground.  He had a blast and I was pretty proud of my guy for helping out with such a great event.


February 17, 2015

Menu Tuesday

Howdy!  I hope everyone is having a great week so far.  We are rained in at the moment (I guess better than snow) and “cold” winter weather is headed our way…thankfully only for the next three days.  Then we are back in the 70s for the weekend…yippeee!
Below are our weekend funsies over the past two weekends followed by a delicious menu at the end – enjoy!

Two weekends ago I don’t even remember what we did on that Saturday, but I do know we had a Sunday Funday that was packed full!  We started out at KeKe’s Breakfast CafĂ© for some good eats with our friends.  6 adults and 4 kids (two 2 year olds, a 1 year old and 3 month old).  We made it happen, although the busboy probably wasn’t loving us when we left – it was a bit of a mess as you can imagine.  But the food was delish and the company, of course, was unbeatable.