
January 16, 2015

FF–Check Check

I love gingham.  I think it is the quintessential definition of a timeless pattern.  You just can’t go wrong it…however you can go a little bit out on a limb with it. 
Most people, when wearing gingham, treat it as the “patterned print” in the outfit and pair it with a solid, which in itself is an amazingly classy look.  However if you want to take it up a notch, try using your gingham piece as the neutral and pair it with different patterns for an appealing and interesting combination.
Here are a few of my attempts at mixing and matching from this past week:

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         Marona Shirt via Target $22   Buffalo Plaid via Old Navy $15

January 12, 2015

Menu Monday

Happy Monday everybody!  As I sit here listening to the pouring down rain, it makes me so thankful for the beautiful weather we had this weekend (Saturday to be specific) that allowed us to trek all around College Park for a BYKA (Bring Your Kid Along) Pub Crawl!
We met up at Jenny and Jeremy’s house around lunchtime, loaded the Bobs (strollers) and started out on foot.  We were celebrating Jeremy’s 34th birthday and had a blast.  The kiddos were troopers and looked pretty cute with their glasses, too.


January 6, 2015

Menu Monday…err Tuesday

Happy New Year everybody!  I honestly can’t believe it’s already 2015 and Everett will be turning 2 in less than a month.  Holy moly.  We had a spectacular time last week chilling out, watching the Badgers win at the Outback Bowl and getting some quality family time in before I headed back to work yesterday (can you say t-i-r-e-d today!?!?). 
