
February 25, 2013

Menu Monday


Hi all!

Even though things around here feel like the movie Groundhog Day – when the same thing happens over and over and over – I am happy to report that our little man is officially 3 weeks old today and growing like a weed.

We have had many good days, and many days where we find ourselves thinking “What in the heck are we doing?  Will life ever be “normal” again?”  But overall I think we’re surviving, which from what I’ve heard is all you really can do the first six weeks (or more!).

Hopefully in the coming days/weeks I will find time to blog a bit more regularly, but for now, I’ll see you when I see you!




As for our menu this week, here’s the plan:

M:  Crispy Chicken Salad

T:  Pot Roast Potatoes

W:  Hot Dogs w/ Potato Salad and Carrots

Th:  Creamy Veggie Pasta

F:  Sausage Bean Soup

Sa:  Brinner – Pancake Tacos w/ Fruit Salad

Su:  Chicken Tetrazzini w/ Salad


Have a great week!

February 20, 2013

Menu Whateverdayitis


Hi all!  I have missed you, but have been super busy watching this little man grow.  He’s 16 days today and has changed so much already.  His days and nights are/were a little mixed up, but we’re working on getting it all sorted out. 

Each day gets a little bit better and we get a little teeny bit more sleep.  Whoever said the first six weeks are all about survival was right – it’s amazing and amazingly tiring all at the same time!




So, even though Everett and I are in our PJs most of the day  in and out of slumber, reading, working on tummy time, and going on long walks; I have still been cooking every night!

With that being said, I know I’m a few days late, but here is our menu for this week:


M: Stuffed Shells with Cesar Salad

T: 4 Rivers – Thanks Kam!

W: BBQ Bacon Chicken Pizza

Th: Pesto Chicken Paninis w/ Chips and Carrots

F:  Apricot Pork Chops w/ Stuffing and Green Beans

Sa:  Cheddar Stuffed Burgers w/ Sweet Potato Fries

Su:  Pot Roast Baked Potatoes


Happy Hump Day!

February 15, 2013



I love hearing about new or very functional apps.  I love my iPhone and use it all day long, whether it’s taking notes, keeping track of baby questions for the Dr. or just simply checking out Facebook.

So today I wanted to share some of my favorite apps that I use in my daily life – enjoy!




  • Facebook – self explanatory.  Easy access for updating your profile, posting pictures, or just getting caught up on the day’s FB activities.  I use it all the time, but especially while in the hospital with Everett – it was a great way to touch base quickly!


  • InstagramI love using Instagram to add a different look to an ordinary picture.  This app allows you to change the filter on any picture and upload directly to your Instagram feed as well as Facebook and Twitter.  It kind of makes you feel like a professional photographer for a second.  Fun!


  • My Radar – perfect for a quick look at the radar.


  • Face Dial – This was probably the first app I downloaded on my iPhone.  I needed a way to “speed dial” the two most important numbers (Mike and my mom) on my home screen.  Face Dial allows you to add a picture icon to your homepage and when hit, it dials the number associated with the picture.  I use it everyday!


TIP!:  Instead of downloading apps, just bookmark the homepage of your favorite website.  The ESPN button (on the screen picture above) is just a bookmark that takes me to the NCAA men’s basketball scores on the web.  That way I save my storage for must have apps, while still able to check scores quickly.





  • Urbanspoon Mike and I love to use this app when we are in a different city and looking for somewhere off the beaten path to eat.  This app has steered us into some great locations.  You can chose eateries by location, cuisine, price or what’s open.


  • Trip AdvisorMuch like Urbanspoon, this app is great for finding things to do in a new place.  Trip Advisor can be used for eateries, but is also a wonderful resource when looking for things to do in a new place.  The reviews are very helpful as well – we actually planned much of our Europe trip (hotels) based on Trip Advisor reviews – very helpful!

It’s also fun to check out your own hometown or surrounding areas – there are lots of things to do that you might not be aware of!


  • Flashlight I does just what it says; it’s a flashlight on your phone!  I have also recently downloaded a nightlight option on the iPad which is awesome for nighttime baby watching!


  • Red StampI love this app for making cards.  They offer adorable pre-made templates for all occasions that you can add your own message to, or use their message and just add a picture from your photo gallery.  You can email, upload to Facebook or Instagram, message or print the card when finished.  Here are just some examples:





  • EtsyThis app, much like Pinterest is just a guilty pleasure of mine.  It’s so fun to search all of the handmade/homemade goodies on Etsy when I have a few extra minutes to spare.  This is also a wonderful place for gift ideas!


  • PicstichAn easy way to make a picture collage!  This app takes any of your pictures, allows you to choose your desired collage and then insert them into your design.  Picstitch also has filter options (like Instagram) and fun picture decals.  These can be saved to your camera roll when finished for easy access.  I love using this app, especially when on vacations to share a few pictures at once (see below):




  • Pinterest –great for pinning on the go, or while waiting at the doctor’s office.  I use this app all the time when I have a few extra minutes and all of your new pins will transfer to you web based account.





  • Hobby Lobby – this app is great for the 40% off coupon.  You just show them the code and you save!  Awesome!


  • Evite Most of our friends use Evite as a means of party/event planning.  This app allows you to check the invite list, attending/not attending status for any and all evites you are included in.  I love checking up to see who is coming to what event.


  • Retail Me Notgreat for finding in store or online coupons on the go!  Just type in the store name and tons of coupon saving offers come up – just get the code and save some money!  Love this app and love saving moo-lah!


  • Over by Overgram – this app allows you to add fonts to any pictures, the possibilities are endless (see below)!




Have a great day!

February 10, 2013

What’s in a name?


Everett \e-vere-tt, ev(e)-rett\ as a boy's name is pronounced EV-er-et. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Everett is "brave, strong boar". Surname derived from Everard, used as a given name in the 19th century. Senator Everett Dirksen; actor Rupert Everett.

Everett has 13 variant forms: Averett, Averitt, Eberhard, Eberhardt, Everard, Evered, Everet, Everette, Everitt, Evert, Evrard, Eward and Ewart.



When I received this Parenting magazine in the mail this month (a gift from one of my students) I was so surprised to see this article entitled “Name that Baby”.  It was all about the hottest naming trends of the moment…check out what name is front and center – crazy!


When I first found out we were expecting a baby over the summer I was so excited to think about baby names.  I started making a list right away and couldn’t wait to talk about it.  Mike, however, was more reluctant to discuss names and didn’t want to talk about it until much later (only about a month ago), which was for the best in the long run.

He wanted to keep it a secret until the birth and he knew that

1. I am very indecisive and would probably change my mind a few times if we decided early.

2.  I can’t keep a secret very well.

So, he asked that we wait to discuss it until closer to our actual due date. 

I had started making my list of favorites along the way and had all kinds of boy/girl/gender neutral names picked out.  Some, now looking back, were a bit ridiculous, but most of them were family names. 

I love the idea of using last names and first names, old names as new names, boy names as girl names, etc.  I think it comes from having a unique name all my life and now wanting our son to have a name that was unique, strong and uncommon without being outrageously ridiculous.


So, with all of that being said, everybody has been asking:

Where did you get the name Everett?

Well, in a nutshell it’s a family name.  Our Everett is the 5th person on my side of the family with that special name.  His predecessors are as follows:


  • Great-great uncle:  Everett Jay Hilty
  • Great uncle: John Everett Hilty
  • 1st Cousin:  Jason Everett Hafner
  • 2nd Cousin:  Jaken Everett Hafner


Everett Jack Alexander


I fell in love with the name Everett from the start while Mike, after a few days of thinking, began liking it too.  As for the middle name, that decision actually took a bit longer. 

We had three that we liked:  Darden, Jack and Michael; with Jack (my maternal grandfather’s nickname) being the front runner. Mike ended up making the final decision and Jack won out – and we couldn’t be more proud for him to follow in some great footsteps.



This letter came in the mail from my Nana with this written on the back – it melted my heart!

February 7, 2013

Everett Jack


Super Bowl Sunday will never be the same.  As we were sitting at our friends Rick and Chrissey’s house watching the big game…a big thing happened.  My water broke!

Luckily we had our hospital bag packed and after a few “Are you sure?” questions, we headed to Winnie Palmer!  Talk about a roller coaster of emotions!



The last belly pic – 38 weeks



After being admitted around 10 pm, it was a long night of waiting to see if I could progress on my own.  After a sleepless night, the docs decided to start Pitocin around 6:30 am to “officially” start labor.  I was scared, nervous and excited all at the same time…oh, and did I mention hungry???





Ice chips, IVs, handholding.  This was much of our day!




Around 5ish (I don’t really remember when) I got the nod that it was getting close to “go time”.  I was dilated and ready to start pushing – the only problem was so was another mom in a different room.  We were both ready to have a baby with only 1 doctor!

I did some practice pushing and then we were in a holding pattern, while Dr. Merritt delivered baby #1 in a different room.  Once she made it into our room, it took only about 10 more minutes and we had a son!

Everett Jack Alexander was born at 6:47pm on February 4, 2013 and weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 inches long.  He took our breath away – love at first sight.



First family picture.



My two boys – love.


Mike documenting all of the events.



Sweet boy!




My mom was there for the whole thing and even cut the cord – she was a proud Gransy!



After delivery I was SOOO hungry!  The first meal although decent – tasted like gold.  It was amazing!








Wavy hair – I wonder where he got that Winking smile.



Mr. Alert.







We had an excellent stay at Winnie Palmer, but I must say, I was so excited to go home.  Although scared to death at what being a parent on your own means, we were ready.



Waiting for transport.



After 2 days in the hospital we were cleared to go and home we went.



This little guy means the world to us and we’re so happy to share him with all of you.  Thanks for all of the well wishes.  We are slowly getting the hang of things but know that together anything is possible. 

More updates to come!

February 5, 2013

Menu Birthday Monday???

Hi everybody!  As I am blogging from my phone (can't get pictures to work) at the moment (yes it is 2am), I just wanted to let you know that we got to join the parenthood club yesterday evening!

Everett Jack Alexander was born at 6:47 pm on 2/4 (his grandma Pam's bday) and weighed in at 6 lbs. 7 oz and was 20 inches long.

Much more to come, but, I wanted to share our spectacular news. We are in love already and can't wait for our adventures to begin!

As for the menu for the week...whatever the hospital and my mom are cooking up!